Sony Playstation Network Problems Frustrate Gamers

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Posted on 1st March 2010 by Ben Krasner in Day to Day Goodies


Playstation Network Problems
Playstation Network Living In Shades Of Gray, Today.

Sony Playstation Network users came upon an interesting problem, today, as it appears that the Playstation 3 consoles built prior to the “thin” revision all believed that 2010 was a leap year.  Woops.  The Playstation Network blog updated users about the situation earlier, today.  For everyone freaking out (addicts), Sony says that the problem should be corrected within 24 hours.

What else will be changed within 24 hours?  Oh yeah, the PS3 systems will no longer be looking for a date that doesn’t exist anymore.  Wow what a great bug fix – just let it run its course!

Update:  Sony Playstation Network blog says the network service has been restored – now that everyone’s PS3 says it is March FIRST – still a day behind.  But hey, Sony says users can adjust the clock setting manually.  Wow, ain’t that special!  All it took was a post from the Senior Director of Corporate Communications & Social Media to get that solid message across.

In essence they are saying, ‘We know that a problem exists… it will fix itself after it doesn’t get fixed at all but the clock is no longer looking for a date that doesn’t exist.  Now get lost and if you really must have the clock set to the right date and time you can do it yourself. If we feel like doing a firmware update later maybe we’ll let you know about that.’