Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the interruption, here. This is a test… only a test. TGNRYP6KKU9Z .
We will now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
Jack Daniels For The Soul
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Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the interruption, here. This is a test… only a test. TGNRYP6KKU9Z .
We will now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
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Hi Everyone,
In case it hasn’t struck you, I’ve updated the site with a fresh new look and it’s now entirely powered by Wordpress. The website and the blog are no longer separate entities which means its faster to update and capable of holding a lot more content than ever before. For right now, I’ve employed a pre-built Wordpress theme, which I have enhanced, and that allowed me to get everything I wanted to get done in as efficient a manner as possible. This is just the start of things – look for more enhancements and more design work to come.