Posted on 9th February 2010 by Ben Krasner in Day to Day Goodies
websites I use
There’s probably countless ways to create your own ‘home page’, these days. Heck, in this regard “My Yahoo” was really ahead of its time. For a long time I didn’t want to deal with what I assumed was a set up process and any time required to get used to the page itself. However, when you take a moment to realize that you are visiting the same sites over and over to find the same information you have many times before… and possibly in the same sequence, even… you start to appreciate what something like iGoogle can do for you.
So far, so good! Now, I have my email, calendar, task list, weather, news, maps and even my horoscope all right in front of me and right under the google search that I hit so many times during the day. I’m just getting started with it and it only took me about a minute to set up. I have too many items on my task list that are of high importance to spend extra time looking into the other things iGoogle can organize for me or to look into all the various applications you can supposedly use but I plan on doing so in the near future.

Posted on 8th February 2010 by Ben Krasner in In The News
Michael Jackson
Los Angeles, California (CNN) — Dr. Conrad Murray, personal physician to Michael Jackson, was charged Monday with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the pop star’s death last summer.
A criminal complaint filed earlier in the day alleged that Murray “did unlawfully, and without malice, kill Michael Joseph Jackson.”
Murray turned himself in shortly before 4 p.m. at a branch courthouse near Los Angeles International Airport. He pleaded not guilty during a brief hearing before Judge Keith L. Schwartz.
Read More, Here:
Posted on 5th February 2010 by Ben Krasner in Day to Day Goodies | Home Improvement
DIY Network, Home Improvement, TV Shows
I am completely hooked on watching DIY Network all of a sudden. I’m sure this has a lot to do with the fact I have been working around the house and getting into tasks that at one time I would have never tried – if for no other reason than simply not wanting to step out of a comfort zone. Life has a funny way of changing that, however, as I again found out when I stepped through my ceiling following a bizarre turn of events in the attic while up there to investigate potential causes of ice damming. No worries, though, between my area hardware or home centers and DIY Network, I’m feeling more and more comfortable taking on more daunting tasks.
The best part of DIY is the demystification process I go through while watching others dig in and either succeed or screw up. When I look at an area of my house I want to fix or improve, I can easily find many reasons to put that task off or even walk away from it altogether. But when I watch others take on the task, even in an example like watching DIY Network on TV where you’re only going to pick up bits and pieces in each show or segment, I start to easily find many reasons why I should dive right in.
Great TV shows that the DIY Network puts out there, include: Ask This Old House, Kitchen Impossible, Sweat Equity and 10 Grand In Your Hand. These are shows where I can pick up tips and techniques throughout the episodes that I can apply to the tasks I’m either in need of completing or might want to take on. I’ve already learned why I need certain tools (and why I don’t need other tools) and how to use tools I didn’t even know were out there. Not to mention all kinds of projects that once seemed impossible without the help from a contractor or an army of friends that now seem like great weekend warrior items for me to tackle. All I need now is the house that we’re going to live in for the bulk of the rest of our lives so I can get to these items and get maximum enjoyment out of the investment.
Thanks DIY Network, and keep pumping out the great projects. I’ll keep watching.
Posted on 4th February 2010 by Ben Krasner in Recipes - Drinks
Appletini, Cointreau, DeKuyper, Drinks, Smirnoff
Ok, so Natalie comes to me and says… I want an appletini and here’s the recipe! Naturally I read the recipe, make one, and offer her to try it – alas, she doesn’t really like it. “Tastes funny”, I believe was the exact response. I work by smell, in the kitchen, so I smell her drink and agree that it might taste funny because it smells a little off from what I have smelled an appletini smell like before. So, I get crackin on a new recipe and Voila! Natalie approved goodness.
Appletini Recipe: Ben’s Appletini #1
(typically makes 2 drinks or one large drink)
Take a shaker and fill it just past half-way with crushed ice (okay, use cubes if you must). Pour in ingredients – in a perfect world, add the sugar first. Cover and shake vigorously for 30-40-50 shakes – if you’re using a metal shaker you’re looking to shake until your hands just can’t bare the cold any longer. Pop the top and strain into the glass – I typically just use the strainer built-in to the shaker I own, but you could use a hawthorne strainer as well. You’re looking for only minute pieces of ice to make it into the appletini.